
This blog is about the lives and careers of British newspaper owners, a behind-the-headlines peek at the rich and powerful figures who play such a vital but often hidden role in our everyday lives.

As a former headline writer for the Daily Telegraph I worked on many high-profile stories, such as the MPs’ expenses scandal. Now I am lifting the lid on our newspaper bosses, beginning with the reclusive Barclay Brothers.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it. In the coming months I will be adding blogs about other media barons with a view to bringing them together into a published book. At the current rate of progress this should happen sometime around 2021 – but hey, stick around for the ride.

Also, feel free to share any nuggets that you feel might enrich this or future articles. Any material used means you will be on the mailing list for my book when it appears and (restrain yourself now) you could even merit a mention in the Acknowledgements ;0)

Thanks, and enjoy!

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